My Ghost Summer book trailer: shot & edited on my iPhone! (And 5 reasons trailers matter for writers)

This is a great post for first time authors that want to market there book in a different way.

Tananarive Due Writes

Still from my trailer Still from my Ghost Summer book trailer

I admit it: when my publicist asked if book trailers actually help me sell books, I wasn’t exactly sure. The trailer I just shot for my new short story collection, Ghost Summer: Stories, simply appeared as an inspiration: I get to make a movie! 

This is my third trailer and my most ambitious: my first, for my African Immortals novel My Soul to Take, was all in one take, so it didn’t require editing. My trailer for my YA zombie novel Devil’s Wake was from an iMovie trailer template I learned how to use during an hour-long Apple workshop.

But for THIS one, I shot all of my footage and edited it from scratch using the iMovie app on my iPhone 6.  All of the images and audio were directly input to the phone. Some audio was free in the app’s…

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Goals to success

We may ask ourselves What steps do we need to be successful? What type of goals should we set and How do we stick to our goals? Well let me start off by letting you know you must have a clear mind set to reach your goals. I’m  going to tell you five ways to stick to your goals, and  become successful  with your goals you set for yourself.

1. Determined – Determination is the number one key to having successful  goals.
2. Motivation – Make sure that what ever goal you are trying to reach you are choosing something  that will motivate you to work harder on accomplishing your goal.
3. Mindset- Having the right mindset in order to accomplish your goal. Make sure you know what it is your willing to do to get to where you want to go in life.
4. Planning – You must have a plan. Your plan can be in writing or in your head but make sure your plan is in detail so you never miss a step.
5. Timing – Time Management is  a must have. Give yourself a time frame of when you will complete your goal. It should not be longer then 5 yrs.
                                                                “NEVER GIVE UP”